
Guide - How to add a new book

1. Login to your account

You need to navigate to Login Page and fill in your registered Email Address and your Password. Once completed click on login now, this will navigate you to your dashboard once logged in.

2. Navigate to book listings

Once you have looged in and in your dashboard you might wanna complete your profile if its on 50% or less. However you need to navigate to Book Listings on your left navigation.

3. Click add book listing

Under Book Listings is where all your content will be shown an can be edited or removed. To add a Book Listing click on the button "Add Book Listing" as indicated below.

4. Add your book listing

On this page you need to Fill in your book information once completed click on add book, NB your book will not show up on the website if your profile is not atleast at 80% complete.

5. View your books

Once completed you will be redirected back to Book Listings where your content will show up, as soon as you make a payment your book will have a status of Active. To make payment you need to goto Invoices