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Unlocking Your Superpowers: Keys To Achieving Success In School And Beyond

Published By - Candice Preston

Book Description

Psst! Hey… superhero! Yes, I’m talking to you!

Each of us have unique superpowers, and only we can unlock them, develop them and put them to good use. Once you have the keys to unlocking your own powers, the sky’s the limit. The success you want is within your reach.

Within this book, Candice Preston, the author and your very own coach will lead you through seven key ideas to help you accelerate your success, whether you’re a teen or a young adult. It’s never too early or too late to grow.

While sharing easy-to-apply knowledge and her own personal insights, Candice will guide you to develop the tools that will transform both you and your life.

Your life starts now. What are you waiting for? Unlock your superpowers and live your life to the fullest.