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Die Ontwikkeling Van Die Kind En Die Adolessent

Published By - Uj Press

Book Description

The development of children is one of the most fascinating wonders of life. From the moment conception takes place until the end of adolescence when the person enters the adult world, the developmental road is characterised by numerous miracles and mysteries. In this book, the authors are sharing their training and experience in the field of child psychology, not only as a clinical and counselling psychologist respectively, but also as the proud parents of two children, a grandson and a granddaughter. The target audience of this book is primarily undergraduate students in psychology, education, social work, psychiatry and related disciplines. The nature and extent of Child and Adolescent Development, however, also makes it suitable for use on the postgraduate level (especially where this field was not a focus area in the undergraduate course). Furthermore, the book contains valuable information which will be of interest to anyone who has an interest in child and adolescent development.