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Case Study Research: The Quick Guide Series

Published By - Uj Press

Book Description

Interest in Case Study Research continues to grow as its importance becomes more and more established in the academic community. When Case Study Research is implemented correctly, it gives the academic researcher an opportunity of being able to look at a situation holistically and understand many of the variables which are interacting in front of his or her eyes. This holistic approach to understanding is not so easily achieved as many of the other research methods available to the academic researcher.

What constitutes Case Study Research is often not fully appreciated and this textbook takes some time to explain when a research protocol may properly be considered as Case Study Research.

The book addresses the subject of data analysis for a case study and explores the different ways of coming to terms with the tricky business of delivering findings and interpreting the results of case study research

Readers of this book have my best wishes in achieving their objectives through their work with academic research.